Стаття Ю.Тимошенко, опублікована на сайті Aljazeera

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З нами з: 09 червня 2010, 15:19

Стаття Ю.Тимошенко, опублікована на сайті Aljazeera

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http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/op ... 91448.html

"Моя зраджена революція"
The first of Ukraine’s lessons for Egyptian and Tunisian democrats is that elections do not a democracy make. After all, what if the enemies of freedom use elections to entrench their anti-democratic agendas? What if elements of the old regime, or the cadres of militant minorities, only pretend to embrace democratic norms in order to hijack the new democracy?

In Ukraine today, these are not abstract questions. Six years after our Orange Revolution, not only is my country’s democracy under threat - but the rule of law is being systematically perverted and our national independence bartered away. Indeed, the hybrid presidential/parliamentary system that Ukraine established as part of the settlement which brought a peaceful end to our revolution is being hollowed out in order to concentrate all political power in the hands of a supposedly democratically elected president.

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